Media production
The video and sound in ALEX traces back to Jellyvision’s roots in video games like You Don’t Know Jack. Pairing great voiceover, engaging visuals, and lively sound design can yield user experiences that break down complicated topics with wit and personality.
All video and audio should feel like the product of a real person who understands the user’s needs and talks to them casually but personably. This helps instill trust and keep a user comfortable, engaged, and on task.
Timing is a key tool in directing and maintaining a user’s focus, which makes our products easy to use. Anything appearing, changing, or moving onscreen will naturally grab a user’s attention, so careful consideration of the timing of every element in an experience will help a user know where to look and keep them engaged—never bored or overwhelmed.
And great sound makes our products more enjoyable, too. A good voiceover read can punctuate certain moments with levity—an unexpected music cue, a playful piece of sound design—and make dense, dry material easier to consume. Like butter on toast!